So, the end of the Harry Potter series finally arrives! What does this mean? Well, to anyone who hasn't seen the previous 7 movies - nothing! Therefore there's not much point in reading this review.
However, for those among us who have been avidly awaiting a Harry Potter movie for each of the past 7 years, there will be mixed feelings at the series coming to an end.
The 2nd part of the Deathly Hallows starts off exactly were the 1st one left off, so if your memory's a bit rusty then watch the end of the 1st part again. It's pretty much obvious to fans of the franchise what the premise of the story is but here's a quick synopsis!
Harry is desperately tracking down the remaining 2 of the 3 hocruxes in order to destroy the evil Lord Voldemort. Professor Snape is now the headmaster at Hogwarts after the devastating death of Professor Dumbledore. He's not a popular choice among the remaining staff and pupils in light of his betrayal. Harry is in hiding in lieu of these events so steers clear of Hogwarts.
Harry knows that Voldemore is in hot pursuit of him as he already possesses one of the three hocruxes essential in maintaining Voldemore's immortality. By having this in his possession, he knows that all of his friends and family are in danger so he makes the attempt to head out alone. This proves more difficult than he imagined as Hermione and Ron refuse to leave his side.
There are lots of twists along the way, some that I didn't see coming as I didn't read the books. The action never lets up and the script is the most
complex yet, which I suppose is to be expected seeing as it's the finale and there are a lot of loose ends to be tied up.
The film contains practically every A list to C list actor working in the British film industry at present. Which begs the question, what are the C Lister's going to do for work after 7 steady years?
The exciting ending doesn't disappoint, it was worth wearing the 3D glasses for this alone. Then there's the overly twee final scenes which you can't help but be moved by.
So, it's goodbye to Harry and Co. It's been an amazing ride from an ingenious creator with equally talented directors, writers and actors.
They'll make great bank holiday movies and for those who haven't seen them, well I'm jealous!!!
Score: 9/10
Great review - couldn't agree more. Gutted it's all over and reading the review is getting me all misty eyed again!!! Cheers 'arry!! It's been ... Magical!!