The Social Network is David Fincher's first movie since 2008's snoozefest that was 'The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button'. Thankfully there is no room for yawning with his latest offering.
In 2003 Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) is a highly intellectual computer whiz studying at Harvard. After being deservedly dumped by his girlfriend he hastily decides to create a website rating the attractiveness of the local female students by hacking into databases. He names the site 'Facemash', an action that initially has hilarious results and causes a frenzied excitement around the campus.
Zuckerberg becomes a local hero and catches the eye of the wealthy Winklenoss twins, Harvard's star members of the rowing team. They approach Zuckerberg with a pitch on how to further develop 'Facemash'. He accepts on the spot and sets about the redevelopment. Zuckerberg however, has his own ideas and with the help of his best pal Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) he creates 'Facebook'.
Saverin agrees to to finance the initial launch and take a 30% shareholding. Zuckerberberg would be the main shareholder and the brains behind the site. 'Facebook' goes live successfully throughout the main American universities and eventually across the pond to the UK and most of Europe.
During his time developing the site, Zuckerberg has been ignoring all contact attempts made by the Winklenoss twins, who are obviously livid and feel he stole their original idea. They eventually decide to sue.
Zuckerberg and Saverin are introduced by a mutual friend to the charming Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake). Parker was co-founder of Napster, an on-line live music sharing service established in 1999 but closed down in 2001 due to copyright violations. He is broke but still living the highlife and has an unusual interest in Zuckerberg and 'Facebook'.
Zuckerberg is naively taken in by Parker, whereas Saverin is sceptical of his sinister character and his overeager interest.
From here on in there are shady dealings, wrongdoings, drug busts, treachery, disloyalty and two court cases. All because of greed and fame.
In this case, Fame soon becomes Notoriety and there are several culprits contributing to this.
For many reasons, it's difficult not to feel sorry for both Zuckerberg and Saverin. What is apparent is that all the academic know how doesn't always carry you in the real world - billionaire or not.
The performances are all good and Justin Timberlake can actually act! Eisenberg and Garfield are excellent as the young talented entrepreneurs.
'The Social Network' will definitely appeal more to Facebook users, especially seeing where Zuckerberg get's the inspiration for Facebook's many tools. It doesn't look at all like a Fincher directed movie but that is neither a criticism nor a compliment. It's always exciting to see what he brings to the screen and he doesn't disappoint here.
So why not Facebook your mates and arrange to see it for yourself!!!
Score: 9/10
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