Sex and the City - what a pity!
Score: 4/10
Well it's official! The Sex and the City writers have run out of steam at long last. It has taken them 2 years to write what really is 5 very average TV episodes , stuck them together and hoped for a decent follow up to the hugely successful and entertaining 1st movie. They should've left it alone as this movie will disappoint even the most loyal of fans.
It gets off to the worst of starts, with a totally unrealistic OTT gay wedding. It's so gay it's straight! No gay man would go for this, regardless of how many female hormones he was born with. From there on I'm afraid it just doesn't get much better. It turns all comic caper verging on the Carry On movies when they get a lucky vacation in Middle East. Thank god for Samantha's antics and one liners. Carrie has got even more annoying as she realises that her marriage to Mr Big has gone stale. It seems that she wants to be running around NYC in hot pants with a giant sized flower in her hair when she's nearly 50. The ground breaking stylist on the show 'Patricia Fields' reaches an all time low with some down right silly hats and outfits for Carrie. They are more circus freak than fashion chic!
There are some laugh out loud moments along the way but with a running time of two and a half hours long, it's just not enough. Miranda's deadpan personality is rarely seen and Charlotte is as anal as ever. There is a great cameo from the queen of camp - Liza Minnelli. There are also some silly cameos from old flames of the girls coming back for no reason other than to fill in the huge lulling gaps in the film. The big problem here is that none of the characters new lives are as interesting as they were when the girls were single and looking for Sex in the City. Even women nowadays who have found their Steve or Mr Big still want to be entertained and see what the single girl gets up to, not what it's like to have a difficult marriage or several kids that hinder your social life.
Girls all over the world will flock to see this in their droves and sink several cosmos along the way. Enjoy it while you can as on this evidence, there will not be a 3rd movie.
Buy the TV box set and remember Sex and the City the way it used to be - ground breaking, influential, and a right good laugh!!!
Score: 4/10
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